All Expo’d out

What a weekend! Many thanks to all that enjoyed a demo of GtB, and of course to those that purchased a copy – hope you enjoy your games. Despite arriving later than planned I just about managed to get everything set up before the crowds arrived. And as soon as  I find the correct lead to connect my phone to my computer i’ll load up some photos of the demo table. The greatest crowd puller was the G1 Transformer Grimlock, sitting in the display case ready for plenty of demo games of GtB. The most epic battle of the weekend was Grimlock Versus Lego Clone Trooper, or possibly the Bolt Gundam Versus the chicken…

Although I knew I had a video interview with UK Gaming Media Network – had no idea it was going to be live (and if you look at the first video you can see the moment when he told me that it was live – shock horror!). and the second part is here

Not particularly great quality but they were streaming it through a tiny laptop. There’s a complete edited version with proper sound being sorted right now -they had more cameras than the streaming one – so i’ll let you know when that’s available.

Had the Guys from Purple Pawn have a go of the game and interview me about it all – which was top notch.

Didn’t really get to play many other games, but certainly saw an awful lot of fantastic demos – even after the show people were stillplaying in the hotel across the street well into the night.

Also met the guys who painted the Relics minis for Tor Gaming, and were pleased to see relics available to purchase through my store  and at the show.

Well done to Mongoose Publishing for pipping us to the post in the awards with their game Call to Arms: Starfleet.

A Special mention to the guys at Tied to a Kite who were stationed next to us and made me feel most welcome during my first expo. And of course to Tony and Mary at Myndgames without whom I wouldn’t have even been to the expo in the first place.

Until Next Year…

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