Good: the Olympics – Part 2

The shot put made for an interesting event in which you need to roll for consecutive inches that the shot covers, the roll getting harder by one each time. Becoming ever more tactical it was quickly worked out what amount of Good was needed to be put into the rolls to…

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GtB: Daily Miniature Manual #66 – Repair Robot (R2D2 – in 6mm!)

Well, a while back we had the 6mm Dalek on the GtB Miniature Manual, so I thought it’s about time we had another top notch miniature miniature (yes miniature was used twice then on purpose). I’ve gone a bit Star Wars-y recently, sorry bout that – I’m not on commission or owt, It’s just coincidence.…

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GtB: Daily Miniature Manual #61 – Wicket the Ewok (Knight Models)

When I saw this at Salute 2012 and realised it was a metal miniature that needed painting my head nearly exploded with joy. Now you can use GtB to rein-act all the classic Star Wars moments of tribal fuzzy hamsters attacking stormtroopers with sticks & stones and winning…  Close Combat Bonus: +2 Ranged Bonus: +1…

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