GtB: Daily Miniature Manual #20 – Doomsday Croissant (Greggs the Bakers)

Daily Miniature Manual

As you may have seen in the description of Nice: the Expansion – in a game of GtB you can have all manner of non-miniatures and still play the game – the exact quote is “Continuing with the now familiar – “No miniatures – no Problem!” shenanigans, the rules still allow you to have a cucumber and a croissant in a pitched battle to the death!”. So today we have the Doomsday Croissant, and tomorrow it’ll be the turn of the Deadly Cucumber. This is actually a slight reference to an episode of  The Tick cartoon series, this was one of the Breadmaster’s evil schemes…

 Close Combat Bonus: +0

Ranged Bonus: +0

Other Miniature Bonuses: It’s a croissant…

Suggested Powers: Good Bomb, Teleportation, Spirit of Good

Manufacturer Link:

One Comment:

  1. Reblogged this on Miniature Musings of a Bear and commented:
    What can you say but flaky death

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